Specialized Services in the Pubic Sector

The successful implementation of government projects relies on a personalised approach, which takes into account each organisations' needs, teh availability of financing instruments and market productive capacity. At REFORMER we dispose of know-how and experience, so as to support public sector institutions:

  • We provide consulting for forming a methodology built for choosing project concepts, relevant with the available financing tools.
  • We advise on appropriate action plans, which will exploit optimal official routes to communicate an organisation's operational agenda.
  • We design projects fitting the organisation's needs, while ensuring a positive social, economical and environmental footprint with tangible benefits for both our customers and the widest possible range of citizen groups.
  • We make good use of our experience for documenting proposals regarding innovative solutions, available through market providers.
  • We take into account EU operational priorities for the next decade, namely digital education, digital healthcare, SME's digitisation, the green pact and connectivity.
  • We participate in creating documents for the entire project life-cycle, for any applicable procurement procedure.
  • We identify critical elements in offers received and we propose adequate clarification requests.
  • We undertake the task of Technical Support Consultant, in order to facilitate project monitoring and management, seeking productive partnerships with contractors.
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